The Bank of Uganda (BoU) is the Central Bank of the Republic of Uganda. It was opened on the 15th August 1966. It is 100% owned by the Government of Uganda but it is not a government Department
Banking department in July 2010 implemented a Banking Application known as Bank of Uganda Banking System (BBS) which uses Straight Through Processing to manage all the Banking Operations.
The Banking Application provides an online Internet Banking facility through a module known as BBS Connect System that enables our customers 24/7 access to all their banking information.
For more information about the services accessed through internet banking please click here.
To access the Internet Banking facility, please follow this link:
In October 2010, Bank of Uganda rolled out the BoU Banking Systems (BBS)-Connect system that offers:
Internet Banking Services to Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and projects.
Internet banking commonly referred to as “anytime, anywhere banking “is part of the “e-business” suite of services offered by Banking Department.
The department’s objective is to provide a high level of quality services to all its customers through new product innovations such as the BBS Connect system
A BBS Connect user accesses the system using a ‘self generated’ PIN plus a token code that changes every minute.
The system uses Straight through Processing (STP) which ensures that validations for accuracy are done for all transactions.STP implies that there is no human intervention and invalid transactions are blocked and communicated instantly.
BBS-Connect System uses the “Maker-Checker Principle” of processing whereby the “Maker” initiates a transaction and the “Checker” authorizes that transaction in order to achieve a complete and successful transaction life cycle.
Services currently offered on the BBS Connect System are:
For further information on how to enroll on BBS Connect System contact the following:
Director Banking’s Office: 0414-233722
D/Director Banking: 0414-235942
Internet Banking Team:
Admin 1 - 0417302018
Admin 2- 0417302021
Admin 3- 0417302022
If you are already enrolled Click here to access the BBS Connect Web page:
The Bank of Uganda (BoU) is the Central Bank of the Republic of Uganda. It was opened on the 15th August 1966. It is 100% owned by the Government of Uganda but it is not a government Department
The Bank of Uganda conducts all its activities with the aim of fulfing its mission. These activities are carried out under the mandate of the Bank of Uganda Act, 2000 and other legislature.
According to Article 161 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, the authority of the Bank of Uganda shall vest in a Board which shall consist of a Governor, a Deputy Governor and not more than five other members.